It is commonly said that ‘if you love to write, start a blog, and if you love to talk, start a podcast.’ Buoyed by a steady tide of innovation that has brought with it more convenient, and affordable audio-visual equipment, podcasting in recent years has become much easier to break into than ever before. Kenyan culture connoisseurs have taken advantage of this relatively new contemporary art of podcasting to dive deep into the analysis of the local music, entertainment, literature, film, and other culture industries, subsequently acting as the unofficial pundits who hold industry players accountable and also push for accountability within the various sectors.

In this article, Frank Njugi lists some exceptional Kenyan music podcasts that not only celebrate the country’s musical prowess but also provide unique insights into the artists, genres, and cultural influences that shape the music of Kenya.

1. Ado Veli

Arguably considered Kenya’s best music podcast, the Ado Veli podcast which is mainly hosted by Penninah Wanjiru is a weekly music podcast show that exhibits the best of mainstream Kenyan music through curating playlists, mixtapes and artist’s documentaries, and also interviewing the said artists. Boasting of having over 12 seasons since 2018, the podcast has hosted an array of artists which include Wakadinali, Buruklyn Boyz, Boutross, Jua Kali and more. Ado Veli Podcast has been nominated for numerous awards with the most recent of nominations coming in the 2023 Unkut Hip Hop Awards where the music podcast was up for contention in the ‘Best Alternative Media’ category.

2. Bigpin’s Radius

The handiwork of Chrispin Mwangale who is better known as Bigpin and one of the pioneers of Kenya’s Kapuka sound, Bigpin’s Radius is a podcast that brings to mainstream Kenyan fans music stories by key music industry players. It is hosted by Naomi Wamboe and Freshier alongside Bigpin himself. During its runtime the podcast has hosted guests such as Madtraxx, Habib, Frasha and others who have narrated on their musical journeys and their experiences in the industry over the years.

3. SupremacySounds

The supremacysounds podcast, as the name suggests, is a podcast by Supremacy Sounds, a music and entertainment brand which is recognized globally, and which is owned by the renowned DJ Simple Simon. The podcast’s episodes are a mix of music mixes by DJ Simple Simon and live audio recordings of his shows within the country and also around the world. DJ Simple Simon has toured over 21 countries and performed at major events with one being at the annual U.S.A Rugby 7s.  

4. Mic Cheque

Mic Cheque is a podcast conceptualized by UpSyd Digital Network, which was founded in 2018 with the mission of being a creative’s brand which operates in all aspects of modern entertainment working with the most talented, skillful and innovative creatives. It is hosted by Chaxy, Mariah and Mwass, and it brings to audiences the latest scoop on Kenyan Showbiz hosting a variety of creatives and artists, and talking to them on various issues which include latest releases, the latest gossip surrounding them (maybe) and also the state of the Kenyan creative scene  in general. With over 125 episodes since conception, the Mic Cheque podcast has hosted a variety of artists including Lil Maina, Breeder LW, Joshua Baraka, Njugush, Bensoul, Jua Cali, Nameless and others.


5. Burudani Express.

The Burudani Express  podcast is part of the PortableVoices Network, hosted by DJ Kemgal, and whose purpose is to ‘sample the latest music from East Africa and inspire upcoming artists through exclusive interviews with best performing artists and music legends.’ In its runtime, Burudani Express has featured artists such as  Dufla Diligon, gospel artist Jimmy Gait, Kidis and Tanzanian artist Hanstone among others.